
Boudoir ... Oh la la

Intimate, classy boudoir.
Sessions for 1hr.
Hotel space for privacy, light snacks & wine.
Hair & Makeup included.
25 ~ 5"x7" photos
Book before Feb 7th to have the photos by Valentine's Day.

End of the Month Wrap Up

So it may be basically February, but that doesn't mean the month is over yet.

This month I:
* got Blackbird a new site (no peaking until its completely polished!)
* joined Snapknot
* joined Pinterest (so many pretty things!)
* started a new topic " wedding-spiration" for colour boards & inspirational wedding things

So I'm looking forward to not only putting client "sneak peeks" but some more inspiring things to get the convo up and running.

- Melissa

The Power of Colour - Wedding-spiration

What colours will you use in your wedding?
Will it be your favourite colour? 
Red? Yellow? Pink? Blue? Green?

Lets talk about some colours here.

Red: Power. Strength. Sexy. Alert. Bold. Love.

Violet: Passion. Exotic. Depth. Mystery.

Blue: Calm. Serene. Nautical. 

Turquoise: Fun. Retro. Artsy. Cool.

Green: Fresh. Alive. Clean.

Yellow: Bold. Bright. Clean. Funky. Cute.

Orange: Warm. Fresh. Spicy. Fun. Spunky.  

Now when it comes to colours for your wedding, there is nothing wrong with making your man wear a quote feminine  colour. A dash of pink on the tie or even the bow tie is totally okay. The entire suit, pepto much?
Why not have a coloured wedding dress? I personally love this robin's egg blue dress from Sarah Seven.

 Seriously check out her stuff.{Link}

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