
Business cards

So I've been looking at my business cards that I made earlier. They're okay, nothing fancy, missing some info though. So..
I've designed some 'new' cards. They are still simple, black and whites, but I'm not sure which ones to go with.
Should I bite the bullet, and go with colour ones? Add photographs, put my name, e-mail or anything else on it? Make the design thingy metalic ? So many questions, I know.

Let me know what you think... facebook me....or post comment


Ooh Fancy

Great news, I finally got my new camera, Nikon D300. I know its not the D3x, but $9000 for a camera, eehh, too pricey for me. Yes its fancy too, but sticker shock is a horrible thing.
But my D300, is wonderful! Sure its about 5 times heavier than my D40x (don't laugh) but I enjoy having a camera that feels like a pros camera, rather than mighty little mouse.
I'm lending my bro the D40x, he's not that bad of photographer, he's actually getting the hang of the f.stops and shutter speeds.
I have a Summer '09 special on:
$200 gets you 1hr family portraiture session and disc of photographs, no strings attached.
That way you can print off what you want, no middle man, or woman in my case.

umm. not much else to say, I'm hoping that I can have my ad in the newspaper by next month, and then in November, (sounds dismal doesn't it..November?) I will be done a design job at the Delhi District German Home for their 60th anniversary book & invites.




These shots, kind of give me a wedding vibe. But still fashiony at the same time, you know?


Rail Road

Well I must thank CN rail for putting rural rail roads (say that 5 times fast) in my area back in the day.

That bridge is higher up than the trees in that area and goes over big creek, and aren't those clouds epic?


Summer Fun

So the weather outside has been warm, cool, to very hot. Well for this mini shoot it was super hot, but with a nice breeze & near-by swimming hole.
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